With the beginning of the Work Credit Program, is has become necessary to revisit our Bylaws and CCRs. Please find a link at the bottom of this posting to download a copy of the 2015 Revised Bylaws and CCRs. Other than grammatical corrections the changes are these:
1. The addition of one more member to the Board of Trustees. [This will help the leadership in establishing a quorum at Board meetings.]
2. The elimination of the position of Vice President and the creation of the position of Chairman of the Board to be appointed by the Board itself each year from its members. The Chair will conduct business in the absence of the President.
3. The establishment of the Work Credit Program by Bylaw.
4. The allowance of elected and appointed officers to participate in the Work Credit Program.
5. A definition for the word “assessment” to the definitions section.
6. A definition of the term “proxy”
7. Redefined the term, “Improved Lot” relaxing what may be done to an unimproved lot before being designated, improved.
We will present and vote on these bylaw changes at the March 25th Meeting.