About admin

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So far admin has created 80 blog entries.

Trouble with E-mail Subscription

We have been using MailChimp to manage subscriptions to the HPME postings.  We have lost all of your email address.  Please re-subscribe by clicking on the Stay Connected button.   Thank you,  Mike Gailey, Secretary

By |2023-03-24T09:15:29-06:00March 24, 2023|News / Events|Comments Off on Trouble with E-mail Subscription

Minutes of the meeting of the General Membership–March 16, 2023

Please find attached minutes of the general membership of Hardware Park Mountain Estates held on March 16, 2023, at the Syracuse Community Center: 1912 S 1900 W Syracuse, Utah This meeting is held annually and is the business meeting for the year, 2023. GM Minutes [...]

By |2023-03-22T09:02:36-06:00March 19, 2023|News / Events|Comments Off on Minutes of the meeting of the General Membership–March 16, 2023

Supporting Wildlife Habitat in a Cabin Community

Many of us are concern for the wildlife that is present on our properties.  Roger Howell has expressed interest in keeping us all up to date on what each of us may do to support wildlife.  He has asked the Board to post this statement [...]

By |2023-03-17T06:44:25-06:00March 17, 2023|News / Events|Comments Off on Supporting Wildlife Habitat in a Cabin Community

Need to Order Bare Root Native Tree’s Soon–See Roger Howell

I just received subject information the DWR has been developing for small 10 acre mountain properties like ours. Additionally, I have the 2023 Bare-root tree and shrub sale order forms just released from the Blacksmith Fork and North Cache Conservation Districts. These trees and shrubs [...]

By |2023-03-14T17:57:31-06:00March 14, 2023|News / Events|Comments Off on Need to Order Bare Root Native Tree’s Soon–See Roger Howell

Message From Roger Howell Concerning the Elections to be Held at the March General Meeting of Members

  To: HPME Landowners. It is time to begin thinking about our March Elections. This year the Association will have four (4) positions to fill. Those include the Association President and three positions on the Board. Landowners and family members can run for elected office. [...]

By |2023-01-31T15:16:15-07:00January 31, 2023|News / Events|Comments Off on Message From Roger Howell Concerning the Elections to be Held at the March General Meeting of Members
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