Here is some additional formation that may help with recruiting candidates for the March elections.
The three (2 year) Board of Directors positions that will be filled in March include the following:
1. Roads (currently occupied by Rubylyn Vernon). Responsibility’s include coordinating road maintenance activities, and managing the road work credit program.
2. Water (currently occupied by Nate Ariotti). Responsibilities include water management and periodic water testing.
3. Activities (currently occupied by Bruce Peterson). Responsibilities include coordinating activities for HPME Meetings.
These three positions offer the opportunity to recruit new leaders that can assist with managing and maintaining the Association.
We will be calling landowners in the next couple of weeks to remind them of the March elections and the need to fill positions on the Board of Directors.
Roger Howell
(H)801-782-4506 Please leave a message if I am unable to answer the phone.